About CACD
The Centre for African Conflict and Development (CACD) is an independent research centre incorporated in the United Kingdom in 2017 as a charitable company, limited by guarantee.
The Centre is established to support focused, evidence-based, original and high quality individual and collaborative research on African conflicts and development issues.

To be the national and international hub for the specialized study of conflict and development issues in Africa. To bridge the gap between research and policy by promoting research-driven, action-oriented and policy-relevant research for shaping international and domestic responses to conflict and development issues in Africa. To provide a platform for encouraging research-oriented collaboration and partnership in the study of and responses to conflict and development issues in Africa between and among scholars, practitioners, advocates and policymakers in Africa, UK and the rest of the world.

To provide a nuanced, analytical and inter-disciplinary understanding of the nexus between conflict, development and human rights in contemporary Africa. To position CACD as the leading academic and policy research centre in the UK with the capacity to influence sound-based international and domestic responses to African conflict and development issues. To promote the specialized study of contemporary conflict and development issues in Africa.
Our People

Meet the Director
Michael Nwankpa has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Roehampton, London, UK.
He has held several research fellowships including as a Rice University Fellow and a terrorism research Fellow (past) at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Response to Terrorism (START), University of Maryland.
Dr Michael Nwankpa