- Email: orc20@cam.ac.uk
Dr Oliver Coates is Director of Studies at St Edmund’s College Cambridge and Associate Researcher of the Institut des mondes africains at CNRS, Paris. His recent research has appeared in the International Journal of African Historical Studies, the Journal of Asian and African Studies, and the Journal of African Military History.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- 2023 “Fight to the Death”: Elite Youth and Their Advocates in the King’s College Strike of 1944 in Lagos, Nigeria, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 56:1, publication in June.
- 2023 ‘West Africa and the Islamic World,’ Oxford Encyclopaedia of African History, Oxford University Press, doi.10.1093/acreforre/9780190277734.ORE_AFH-00705.R2
- 2022 ‘African American Journalists in World War II West Africa: The NNPA Commission Tour of 1944-1945,’ Journal of Asian and African Studies, 57:1, 93-112.
- 2020 ‘New Perspectives on West Africa and World War Two,’ Journal of African Military History, 4:1-2, 5-39.
- 2020 ‘The Air Raid Threat in World War Two Lagos,’ Journal of African Military History, 4:1-2, 66-96.
- 2018 ‘African Voices and the Historical Memory of the First World War in Nigeria, 1918-1939,’ Outre-Mers: Revue d’histoire, (2018), 400-1: 275-292.
- 2018 ‘“The War, like the Wicked Wand of a Wizard, Strikes Me and Carry Away All that I Have Loved:” Soldiers’ Family Lives and Petition Writing in Ijebu, Southwestern Nigeria, 1943–1945,’ History in Africa, (2018), 45:71-97.
- 2018, ‘Between image and erasure: photographs of West African soldiers in India, 1944- 1946,’ Radical History Review, (2018), 18:3, 200-7.
- 2018 ‘‘His telegrams appear to be hysterical, but he is very astute’: Azikiwe’s spectacular self and the 1945 General Strike in Nigeria” Journal of African Cultural Studies, (2018), 30:3: 227-242.
- 2017 ‘Understanding colonial labor through literature: reciprocity and the kingdom of Oba Yejide in Hubert Ogunde’s “Strike and Hunger”’ Research in African Literatures.(2017), 48: 2: 166-184.
- 2016 ‘Narrative, time and the archive in an African Second World War memoir: Isaac Fadoyebo’s “A Stroke of Unbelievable Luck,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, (2016), 51:3, 371-386.
Reference Works
- 2022 ‘Nigeria and the World Wars,’ The Oxford Handbook of Nigerian History, T. Falola and M. Heaton (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 336-356.
- 2018 ”Nigeria and the World: War, Nationalism, and Politics, 1914-1960,” The Oxford Handbook of Nigerian Politics. Carl Levan and Patrick Ukata (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 699-713.
Book Chapters
- 2024 ‘Warfare in pre-colonial Africa,’ Routledge Handbook of Global Warfare, K. Roy (ed.) Abingdon, Routledge, forthcoming.
- 2023 ‘The Yoruba: A ‘Non-Martial Race’?’, ‘Martial Races’ in African History, M. Osbourne (ed.), Athens: Ohio University Press, forthcoming.
- 2019 ‘The Indian Ocean’ in Unknown Conflicts of the Second World War: Forgotten Fronts. Chris Murray (ed.), Abingdon: Routledge, 73-95.
- 2018 ‘World War II and West African Soldiers in Asia, 1943-1947,’ in Exploitation and Misrule in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa, Kenneth Kalu and Toyin Falola (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 191-215.
- 2016 ‘Remembrance Day, the colonial press and “deserving ex-servicemen” in late-colonial Nigeria,’ in An Imperial World at War: Aspects of the British Empire’s War Experience, 1939-1945, Ashley Jackson, Yasmin Khan, and Gajendra Sing (eds.), Abingdon: Routledge, 211-229.
Book Reviews
- 2023 ‘West African Soldiers in Britain’s Colonial Army, 1860-1960 by Timothy Stapleton, Rochester: University of Rochester Press, Canadian Journal of African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00083968.2023.2179581
- 2023 ‘People and Animals in Nigerian History, by Saheed Aderinto, Athens: Ohio University Press, Journal of African History, 64 (1), 156-158.
- 2023 ‘Emirs in London: Subaltern Travel and Nigeria’s Modernity by Moses Ochonu, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,’ Research in African Literatures, 53 (2), 194-196.
- 2022 ‘Sultan, Caliph, and the Renewer of the Faith: Ahmad Lobo, the Tarikh al-fattash and the Making of an Islamic State in West Africa. By Mauro Nobili. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,’ Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (3), 410-412.
- 2022 ‘Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: Shadow of Terror over the Sahel, from 2007,’ Journal of Military History, 86:1, 239.
- 2021 ‘Jihadists of North Africa and the Sahel: Local Politics and Rebel Groups,’ by Alexander Thurston, Journal of African Military History, 5:2, 145-147.
- 2021 ‘Nigeria and World War II,’ by Chima J. Korieh. Journal of Modern African Studies, 59 (3), 413-414.
Completed book manuscript in peer-review.
- 2023 ‘Achille Mbembe,’ submitted manuscript for the Routledge Critical Thinkers series. Forthcoming publications.
- 2023 ‘Africa/Iran relations,’ article commissioned by History Compass
You can contact DR. OLIVER COATES personally through this contact form.