Dr Mathieu Gotteland
- Email: mathieu.gotteland@gmail.com
Dr Mathieu Gotteland holds a PhD in History of international relations (University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France). A former Jean Walter-Zellidja fellow (Académie française) and a former PhD fellow of the French Ministry for Defence, he has been awarded by the latter a Prize in Military History (2014). Currently an independent researcher in (history of) international relations, he has published a number of academic articles and book chapters. A participant to several think tanks and international research groups, his research interests include informal imperialism, terrorism, hybrid and secret warfare, and the dynamics of international and non-international conflict, particularly in Africa.
- Les Forces de l’ordre japonaises à Tientsin, 1914-1940 : Un point de vue français [The Japanese Order Forces in Tianjin, 1914-1940: A French Point of View], M.A. Thesis, Éditions de l’Albatros (2019, 1st Edition 2015) ISBN 978-0-244-49926-6
Book chapters (peer-reviewed and/or conference proceedings)
- “Les ambitions frustrées de l’Allemagne à Tianjin, 1895-1918”, in Aoki Nobuo, Maria GravariBarbas, Christine Mengin, Xu Subin (éds), Tianjin, transferts mondiaux et appropriations locales, Architecture et aménagement urbain dans la Chine moderne / 近代中国的建筑与城市规 划:在天津的 播与本土化 传播播播播播 , Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2023 [Germany’s Frustrated Ambitions in Tianjin, 1895-1918] ISBN 979-10-351-0859-5
- “France and Japan in Tianjin, 1937-1940”, in Jaroslaw Suchoples, Stephanie James, Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (eds), World War II Re-explored: Some New Millenium Studies in the History of the Global Conflict, Peter Lang, 2019 ISBN 978-3-631-77740-4
- “China and World War One: Official and officious aspects”, in Joanna Marszałek-Kawa (ed), Aspects of Contemporary Asia Security and Economy, Adam Marszałek, 2015 ISBN 978-83-8019-130-3
Articles (peer-reviewed and/or conference proceedings)
- “Somalia’s Foreign Relations in the Context of the Latest Offensive Against al Shabaab”, Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, vol. 3, no. 4 (2023), pp. 58-86 https://doi.org/10.59569/jceeas.2023.3.4.269
- “Austro-Hungarian Informal Imperialism, 1869-1917”, Journal of Austrian Studies, vol. 56, no. 2 (Summer 2023), pp. 31-40 https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2023.0022
- “L’Allemagne en Chine, 1895-1914”, Revue d’histoire diplomatique, n° 2023/1, pp. 5-26 [Germany in China, 1895-1914]
- “The Goennert Plot: An Attempted Entente-Sponsored Coup in Austro-Hungarian Tianjin and Shanghai, 1917”, Nuova Antologia militare, no. 3, fasc. 12 (Nov. 2022), pp. 125-146 https://doi.org/10.36158/97888929558514
- “Aspects éthiques du terrorisme vietnamien, 1908 et 1913”, Ethics & Politics, vol. 24, nr. 2 (2022), pp. 419-437 [Ethical Aspects of Vietnamese Terrorism, 1908 and 1913]
- “What Is Informal Imperialism?” The Middle Ground Journal, no. 15 (Fall 2017): 1-14, On Teaching sec.
- “l’Allemagne et l’Autriche-Hongrie en Chine, 1895-1918”, Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande, vol. 48, no. 1 (jan-jun 2016): 43 55 [Germany and Austria-Hungary in China, 1895-1918] https://doi.org/10.4000/allemagne.337
- “La France et le Japon à Tianjin, 1937-1940 : De la Neutralité à la Collaboration”, Outre-Mers, no. 382-383 (2014): 71-88. [France and Japan in Tianjin, 1937-1940: From Neutrality to Collaboration] https://doi.org/10.3406/outre.2014.5086
- “The Place of Japan Amongst Tianjin’s Occupiers as Defined Through the 1923-4 and 1930 Combined Defence Plans”, Journal of Northeast Asian History, vol. 11, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 117-151, Research Trends sec.
- “Les Conséquences de la Première Guerre mondiale sur la présence impériale austro-hongroise en Chine” Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains, no. 256 (Oct.-Dec. 2014): 9-18. [The Consequences of World War One on the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Presence in China] https://doi.org/10.3917/gmcc.256.0007
Articles (not peer-reviewed)
- “Drapeau rouge sur l’Autriche-Hongrie coloniale (1917), La Revue d’Histoire Militaire, 3 July 2024, https://larevuedhistoiremilitaire.fr/2024/07/03/drapeau-rouge-sur-lautriche-hongrie-coloniale1917/ [Red Flag on Colonial Austria-Hungary (1917)]
- “Pologne : un regain d’intérêt pour l’Afrique”, Regard sur l’Est, 6 May 2024, https://regardest.com/pologne-un-regain-dinteret-pour-lafrique [Renewed Interest from Poland for Africa]
- “L’affaire Napier (1834)”, La Revue d’Histoire Militaire, 1 May 2024, https://larevuedhistoiremilitaire.fr/2024/05/01/laffaire-napier-1834/ [The Napier Affair (1834)]
- “São Tomé and Príncipe: A Weakened Nation?”, CRCA, 25 November 2023, https://conflictresearchconsortiumforafrica.com/blog/f/são-tomé-and-príncipe-a-weakened-nation
- “L’Europe de la défense : Au royaume des acronymes”, IPSA, 24 July 2023, https://www.ipsaafrique.org/leurope-de-la-defense-au-royaume-des-acronymes/ [EU Defence: In the Realm of Acronyms]
- “La guerre au Soudan : Forces profondes, causes immédiates et perspectives, IPSA, 15 May 2023, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/la-guerre-au-soudan-forces-profondes-causes-immediates-etperspectives/ [The War in Sudan: Root Forces, Immediate Causes and Outlooks]
- “La stratégie française en Afrique : état des lieux et défis”, IPSA, 22 March 2023, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/la-strategie-francaise-en-afrique-etat-des-lieux-et-defis/ [The French Strategy in Africa: Current Situation and Challenges]
- “La Somalie, un pays instable face aux défis sécuritaires”, IPSA, 27 October 2022, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/la-somalie-un-pays-instable-face-aux-defis-securitaires/ [Somalia, an Unstable Country Facing Security Challenges]
- “L’accord de Doha ouvre-t-il des perspectives de paix pour le Tchad”, IPSA, 5 September 2022, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/laccord-de-doha-ouvre-t-il-des-perspectives-de-paix-pour-le-tchad/ [Does the Doha Agreement Open Peace Perspectives for Chad]
- “Que retenir du sommet tripartite entre la Russie, l’Iran et la Turquie ?”, IPSA, 8 August 2022, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/que-peut-on-retenir-du-sommet-tripartite-entre-la-russie-liran-et-laturquie/ [The Teachings of the Russia-Iran-Turkey Summit]
- “La stratégie japonaise en Afrique”, IPSA, 18 July 2022, https://www.ipsa-afrique.org/la-strategie-japonaise-en-afrique/ [The Japanese Strategy in Africa]
- “La stratégie européenne en Asie-Pacifique / Indo-Pacifique”, 15 June 2022, https://www.ipsaafrique.org/la-strategie-europeenne-en-asie-pacifique-indo-pacifique/ [The European Strategy in Asia-Pacific / Indo-Pacific]
- “L’Allemagne et l’Autriche-Hongrie en Chine, 1895-1918”, Trajectoires, no. 15 (2022), SynThèses sec. [Germany and Austria-Hungary in China, 1895-1918] https://doi.org/10.4000/trajectoires.7817
Contact Dr. Mathieu Gotteland
You can contact Dr Mathieu Gotteland personally through this contact form.