Chad’s Bold step to Democracy
May 30 2024

By Elizabeth Ibe

Transitioning to democracy is often perceived as a monumental task, an intricate process that requires more than just holding an election. While formal transition can occur in a single day, marked by the casting of ballots, the journey towards a stable and functioning democracy is a continuous process. Chad had recently taken this bold step, signaling its intent to transition to democracy, and it remains uncertain whether other military-led countries in Africa will follow suit.

On the 10th of May 2024, Chad’s military ruler, Mahamat Déby was officially declared the victor of the presidential elections, further consolidating his hold on power. According to the results released, General Déby secured 61.3% of the vote, while his nearest competitor, Prime Minister Succes Masra, garnered 18.53%. This outcome ensures the grip on power by the Déby family, who have maintained control over Chad for about 34 years.

In 2021, General Mahamat Déby assumed leadership in Chad through hereditary succession following the death of his father Idriss Déby who ruled for thirty years. He commenced his tenure by emphasizing security, stability, and a dedication to reinstating civilian governance. To reduce any form of political tension, he incorporated opposition figures into his administration, fostering a perception of transparency and inclusivity in anticipation of a democratic transition.

Initially, Mahamat Déby had pledged to serve as an interim leader for only 18 months before transitioning, but he later extended his tenure and reversed his decision not to run for the presidency in the May elections. This decision to run in the election was announced in a speech where he said “ I, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, am a candidate for the presidential election under the banner of the For a United Chad coalition”. Today, he is the democratically elected leader of Chad.

It is crucial to note that Déby participated in the elections when he should not have. If he genuinely intended to transition to democracy in a free and fair manner, he should have allowed civilians to run. The election results have been contested, because it seemed almost certain that Mahamat would win. This raises doubt about whether the transition to democracy was truly free and fair or merely a facade.

However, this journey to democracy will require sustained efforts, international support and a commitment to overcoming significant challenges. The future of democratic transition in Africa may well hinge on Chad success. A peaceful and stable democratization process in Chad would demonstrate that such a path is feasible, providing a tangible model for others to follow.

Hence, a key question emerges as to whether this transition in Chad can cause a ripple effect and encourage other military led African countries to embark on a similar path. Even though Chads’ transition to democracy has its shortcomings, it holds considerable potential not only for Chad but also for other military-led countries in the region. Historically, most African countries have exhibited similar political trajectories, and Chad’s shift could inspire a regional wave of democratization. If Chad successfully becomes a fully democratic state, it might set a precedent, encouraging other military-led regimes to embrace democratic governance, maybe not now but later.

Also, Chads’ progress could attract increased international attention and assistance in consolidating democracy, not only for Chad but also for other countries in the region. The International community, including the European Union, and the United States, which have often played a critical role in supporting democratic transitions is likely to support Chad through financial aid, technical assistance and diplomatic backing. Such support can be instrumental in building democratic institutions and addressing socioeconomic challenges.  Chad’s election marks a bold and significant step towards democracy. While the formal transition can occur in a single day, journey to stable and enduring democracy requires continuous effort, commitment, and resilience. By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead, Chad can pave way for a democratic future that benefits all its citizens. The road to democracy is long, but with this bold step, Chad has set itself on the path towards meaningful and lasting change.

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