Dr. Eric Kushinga Makombe
Dr. Eric Kushinga Makombe
Dr. Eric Kushinga Makombe



Dr. Eric Kushinga Makombe is a Research Fellow in the History Department at the University of the Free State (South Africa) and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History, Heritage and Knowledge Systems at the University of Zimbabwe. Eric was a Visiting Professor at Lund University in Sweden for a couple of months in 2016. He holds a PhD (History) from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. His broad research interests are in urban history, human economy and livelihoods, rural-urban linkages, climate change and rural development. Some of his published articles have appeared in the Journal of Developing Societies, Global Environment, Historia and Essays in Economic and Business History. Eric has also co-edited two edited volumes as well as contributed book chapters to several manuscripts.



Published Articles

  • Ivo Mhike and Eric Makombe, “Mission and State Health Institutions: “Invisible” Public-Private Partnerships in Zimbabwe, 1980–1999”, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Volume 44 | Number 1 | 2018 | #3330 | https://doi.org/10.25159/2412-4265/3330; https://upjournals.co.za/index.php/SHE/index.
  • Eric Makombe and Ivo Mhike, “The influence of the State and Patriarchy on Gendered Migration in Zimbabwe”, Zambezia, Volume 45 (i), 2018.
  • Carlington Clint Simbarashe Marowa and Eric Makombe, “Urban Planning and Traffic Management in Salisbury: 1963 to 1980”, Zambezia, Volume 45 (i), 2018.
  • Ivo Mhike, Eric Makombe and Nathaniel Chimhete], “State Social Engineering, Youth Citizenship, and Social Protection in Zimbabwe; c.1929 – 2013”, Zambezia, Volume 45 (ii), 2018.
  • Bernard Kusena and Eric Makombe, “Sustainable Livelihoods and Artisanal Mining in Marange, Zimbabwe, 2006–2016”, Global Environment: A Journal of Transdisciplinary History; Special issue: Environmental History of Modern Zimbabwe since 1980, No. 12.2- 2019, pp. 354-374.
  • Nathaniel Chimhete and Eric Makombe, “Accepting the Inevitable: The Liberalization of the African Alcohol Industry in Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1960s to the early 1980s”, Essays in Economic & Business History: The Journal of the Economic &Business History Society, Volume XXXVIII
    (forthcoming), 2020. (May 26, 2020)
  • Blessing Dhliwayo and Eric Makombe, “Labour History of African Municipal Workers in Colonial Harare: 1945- 1979”, African Economic Review: Special Issue on the Social and Economic History of Zimbabwe (2020)
  • Eric Makombe, “‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’: The Coronavirus, Livelihoods, and Socioeconomic Upheaval in Harare’s High-Density Areas of Zimbabwe”, Journal of Developing Societies, Special Issue on Pandemics, Volume 37 Issue 3, (Sept. 2021)
  • Tatenda Rixon Ganyaupfu and Eric Makombe, “’No Person Shall Sell Goods at an Unjust Profit’: A Review of Consumer Price Controls in Southern Rhodesia, 1939-1949”, Historia vol.67 n.2, (Nov. 2022), 59-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2309-8392/2022/v67n2a3
  • Clement Masakure and Eric Kushinga Makombe, ““To Serve Administrative Purposes and Native Interests?” Road Infrastructural Investment in African Reserves in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1924–1948,” African Economic History, 51.2 (Oct. 2023), pp. 24-51.





You can contact DR. ERIC KUSHINGA MAKOMBE personally through this contact form.