Dr. Elizabeth Pearson
Dr. Elizabeth Pearson
Dr. Elizabeth Pearson


Dr Elizabeth Pearson, Programme Lead, MSC Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies Royal Holloway, University of London

Dr Elizabeth Pearson is a Lecturer in Criminology and Programme Lead for the MSc Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies course, taught from our central London campus. Her research interests are in gender, extremism and counter-extremism.

Elizabeth’s most recent book, Extreme Britain: Gender, Masculinity and Radicalisation is out with Hurst and Oxford University Press at the end of 2023. This explores misogyny and masculinities in the radical right and Anjem Choudary’s al-Muhajiroun, and is based on interviews with leaders including Choudary, Tommy Robinson, Jayda Fransen and Anne Marie Waters. The book started life as an ESRC-funded PhD at King’s College London.

She is also author of the book Countering Violent Extremism: Making Gender Matter, co-authored with Emily Winterbotham of the Royal United Services Institute and Dr Katherine Brown. CVE: Making Gender Matter is based on research in 2015-6 looking at the gender dynamics of extremism and countering violent extremism, and in five countries (Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK).

She is interested in extremism online and off, and in 2015 conducted research on Islamic State supporters on Twitter on a Fellowship with VOX-Pol, the European Union Network of Excellence for the study of extremism online. Elizabeth has also written on gender and the West African jihadist group Boko Haram, and worked with the European Union Technial Assistance to Nigeria’s Evolving Security Challenges (EUTANS) in 2015.

Elizabeth also leads VOX-Pol’s REASSURE project, aimed at producing safety guidelines for researchers of online terrorism and extremism.

Prior to academia, Elizabeth worked as a radio journalist, mainly for the BBC.





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