Dr. Muhammad Dan Suleiman
Dr. Muhammad Dan Suleiman
Dr. Muhammad Dan Suleiman


Muhammad Dan Suleiman is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at King Fahd University (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, and an adjunct research associate at Curtin University’s School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry (MCASI), Australia. He taught International Relations and Political Science at the School of Social Sciences at the University of Western Australia between 2017 and 2021 and served as a lecturer and research associate at MCASI before joining KFUPM in January 2024. Muhammad’s work on African politics, security and jihadist conflicts in West Africa has been published in International Studies Quarterly, African Security, Terrorism and Political Violence, Critical Studies on Terrorism, and Peace and Conflict Studies. He has consulted and written expert analyses on West Africa for organisations such as the International Centre for Dialogue Initiatives, Foreign Brief, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute; and he has provided extensive media commentaries on security in West Africa. He is a 2020 fellow of the United Nations Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent (Geneva), and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (United Kingdom). Muhammad holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of Western Australia, a Master’s in International Law from the University of Sydney (Australia), and a Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Ghana. Muhammad is a co-convener of the Africa Network of Critical Security Scholars (ANeCS).



Journal Articles:

  • 2024: Malito, D.V., & Dan Suleiman, M. (2024). Abstract Spaces for Intervention in Libya and Nigeria. International Studies Quarterly, 68(2). https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqae052
  • 2023: Dan Suleiman, M. (2023). The jihadists are coming! Abyssal thinking and spatial politics of un/knowing in Ghana’s terrorism discourse. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 1-28.
  • 2023: Dan Suleiman, M., Isike, C., & Mickler, D. (2023). “No Colonial Baggage”: Imagining a Decolonised Australia‐Africa Relations. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 69(3),522-541.
  • 2020: Dan Suleiman, M. (2020). Degrees of Political Extremism in West Africa. Australasian Review of African Studies, 41(1), 106-126.
  • 2020: Dan Suleiman, M. (2020). What Makes Islamist Movements Different? A Study of Liberia’s NPFL and Nigeria’s Boko Haram in West Africa. Terrorism and Political Violence, 32(1), 119-137.
  • 2019: Mickler, D., Dan Suleiman, M., & Maiangwa, B. (2019). Weak State, Regional Power, Global Player: Nigeria and the Response to Boko Haram. African Security, 12(3-4), 272-299.
  • 2018: Maiangwa, B., Dan Suleiman, M., & Anyaduba, C.A. (2018). The Nation as Corporation: British Colonialism and the Pitfalls of Postcolonial Nationhood in Nigeria. Peace and Conflict Studies, 25(1), Article 3.
  • 2017: Dan Suleiman, M. (2017). Eurocentrism, Africanity, and ‘the Jihad’: Towards an Africa Worldview on Jihadism. African Review of Social Sciences Methodology, 2(1-2), 41-61.
  • 2017: Dan Suleiman, M. (2017). Global Insecurity and Local Conflicts in Ghana. Peace Review, 29(3), 315-324.
  • 2017: Dan Suleiman, M., Onapajo, H., & Maiangwa, B. (2017). Perspectives on “New” Conflicts in Africa. Peace Review, 29(3), 269-274.
  • 2017: Dan Suleiman, M., & Maiangwa, B. (2017). Nigeria and the ‘making’ of combative identities. African Identities, 15(3), 260-277.
  • 2016: Maiangwa, B., & Dan Suleiman, M. (2017). Liberal Peace Intervention in the Central African Republic: Limitations and Reworking a “Hybrid” Order. African Security, 10(1), 1-24.


  • Dan Suleiman, M. (Forthcoming). Decolonising the Jihad: Eurocentrism, Africanity, and Islamist Militancy in the Sahel. London: Routledge.

Book Chapters and Policy Analyses:

  • 2023: Malito, D.V., & Dan Suleiman, M. (2023). The spatial production of a fragmented and ungoverned Libya. In D. Meier & R. Di Peri (Eds.), Mediterranean in Dis/order: Space, Power, and Politics. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press.
  • 2022: Dan Suleiman, M. (2022). Forecasting Jihadist Terrorism in the Sahel. In 2022 Counterterrorism Yearbook. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  • 2022: Fozdar, F., Mickler, D., Prout, S., Quicke, M.B., Setrana, M., Dan Suleiman, M., & Dagbanja, D.N. (2022). Transnational Economic Engagements: The Africa-Australia Nexus. In M. Phillips & L. Olliff (Eds.), Understanding Diaspora Development: Lessons from Australia and the Pacific. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 2021: Dan Suleiman, M., Onapajo, H., & Badawi Mustapha, A. (2021). External Influence, Failed States, Ungoverned Spaces, and Small Arms Proliferation in Africa. In U.A. Tar & C.P. Onwurah (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Small Arms and Conflict in Africa. London:
    Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 2020: Mensah, I., Boakye-Danquah, J., Suleiman, N., Nutakor, S., & Dan Suleiman, M. (2020). Small-scale Mining, the SDGs, and Human Insecurity in Ghana. In M. Ramutsindela & D. Mickler (Eds.), Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals. Cham: Springer.

Other Publications:

  • Various articles in The Conversation, E-International Relations, and Foreign Brief discussing political extremism and security in West Africa.


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