Dr Michael Nwankpa
Dr Michael Nwankpa
Dr Michael Nwankpa



Michael Nwankpa has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Roehampton, London, UK. He has held several research fellowships including as a Rice University Fellow and a terrorism research Fellow (past) at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Response to Terrorism (START), University of Maryland. He is currently a fellow at the Royal United Service Institute for Defense and Security Studies (RUSI) and a research fellow at the Geneva-based Centre on Armed Groups. Dr. Nwankpa has extensive experience studying counterterrorism and counterinsurgency strategies, advising relevant government development departments and security agencies, and consulting for multilateral organizations. Michael is the author of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, 1999-2021: A Militarized Democracy (Routledge 2022) and co-author of the seminal work on Boko Haram, The Boko Haram Reader: From Nigerian Preachers to the Islamic State (Oxford University Press/Hurst 2018). He has written several articles and is currently working on three book projects.




  • Nwankpa, M (2022). Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, 1999-2021: A Militarised Democracy. Routledge.
  • Kassem A, & Nwankpa, M (2018). Boko Haram Reader: From Nigerian Preachers to the Islamic State. London & USA: C. Hurst & Co Ltd & Oxford University Press.
  • Finalist for the African Studies Association 2019 Paul Hair Prize


Book (Under Review)

  • Nwankpa, M. (ed.,) (Forthcoming). Rethinking Boko Haram: The Evolution of a Jihadist Group since 2015
  • Nwankpa, M. (Forthcoming). Democracy and Militarisation in Twenty First Century Africa. Routledge
  • Coates, O. & Nwankpa, M. (Forthcoming). Militaries and Militarism in Africa. Routledge


Book Chapter

  • Nwankpa, M (Forthcoming, 2024). Militarised Response to Domestic, Regional and International Security Issues in Nigeria and Uganda. In Abu Bah (ed.) African Security: Local Issues and Global Connections. Ohio University Press
  • Nwankpa, M (2021). Labelling Conflict Groups: A Comparative Study of Boko Haram, Niger Delta, IPOB and Fulani Militia. In Anna Geis, Maéva Clément and Hanna Pfeifer (eds.,) Recognition of Armed Non-State Actors, Manchester University Press.
  • Giroux. J, Nwankpa. M (2019). A Vicious Cycle: The Growth of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Nigeria, 1999 -2016. In Boyle. M (ed.,) Non-Western Responses to Terrorism, Manchester & Oxford University Press.


Book Review

  • Nwankpa, M (2022). “The Islamic State in Africa: The Emergence, Evolution, and Future of the Next Jihadist Battlefront” Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (JCEEAS) 2(1), pp.177-178.
  • Nwankpa, M (2021). “Post-Conflict Institutional Design: Peacebuilding and Democracy in Africa.” 119-122.


Articles (Refereed)

  • Nwankpa, M (2022). The Politics and Dynamics of Secession in Nigeria. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (JCEEAS), 2(1), pp.31-47.
  • Nwankpa, M (2020). Introduction to the special issue: understanding Boko Haram’s past, present, and trajectory. African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 10(2), pp.1-9.
  • Nwankpa, M (2020). Understanding the local-global dichotomy and drivers of Boko Haram Insurgency, African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 10(2), pp.43-64.
  • Nwankpa, M (2017). Dialoguing and negotiating with terrorists: any prospect for Boko Haram? Behavioral sciences of terrorism and political aggression, 9(2), 106-124.
  • Nwankpa, M (2015). The political economy of securitization: The case of Boko Haram, Nigeria. The Economics for Peace and Security Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, Pp 32-39
  • Nwankpa, M (2014). “The Politics of Amnesty in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis of the Boko Haram and Niger Delta Insurgencies” Journal of Terrorism Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1 (Special Issue)- February 2014


Methods Cases

  • Nwankpa, M (2022). Using ICT as a Tool of Data Collection in Conflict Regions and in Times of Emergencies, London: Sage Research Method Cases
  • Nwankpa, M (2019). Using Qualitative and Grounded Theory Analysis to Explore Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Strategies in Sub-Sahara Africa, London: Sage Research Method Cases


Research Briefs

  • Nwankpa, M (2019). Interrogating the Christian-Muslim Conundrum in Boko Haram’s Terrorist Campaign, in McCallum, R (ed.,) Theology of Religions: The Implications for Christian-Muslim Relationships. Research Briefings: NO. 11 summer 2019 (P.7-8). ISSN 2056-5003 (WEB).

Policy /Commissioned Papers

  • Nwankpa, M. (Forthcoming, August 2023). Understanding the Role of Women in Nigeria’s non-state Armed Groups and Security Architecture. French Research Institute, IFRA
  • Nwankpa, M (June 2021). The North-South Divide: Interrogating Nigerian Discourses on Boko Haram, the Fulani, and Islamization. Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Volume 29, p. 5-20. Hudson Institute
  • Nwankpa, M (May 2015). Boko Haram:Whose Islamic State? Baker Institute Policy Paper


Opinion Pieces

  • Amaliya, M &Nwankpa, M (2014). Assessing Boko Haram: A Conversation Journal of Terrorism Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1.

Contact Dr. Michael Nwankpa

You can contact Dr. Michael Nwankpa personally through this contact form.