Dr. Arielle Djoufan
Dr. Arielle Djoufan
Dr. Arielle Djoufan


Dr. Arielle DJOUFAN holds a Ph.D in Political Science and is a researcher in International Relations, with a major in peace, security and defence. Currently associate researcher at the Documentation Centre of the International War College of Yaoundé and affiliated to the Geopolitics, Security and Defence Laboratory at the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon, she is a passionate and talented young woman. She is a specialist in issues related to international relations, regional integration, security governance and gender studies. Dr. DJOUFAN is also a member of associations for the promotion of girls’ and women’s rights, learned societies and political organisations where she holds leadership positions.

Born on 09 February 1993, she entered university in 2010, graduating after three years with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Buea. In 2013, she joined the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC), graduating top of her class with a Master’s degree in Regional Integration and Management of Community Institutions. In 2016, she was admitted for a Ph.D at the same Institute in the Geopolitics, Security and Defence laboratory. At the same time, she has been accepted in the Pan-African University-Commission of the AU and, after two years, obtained her second Master’s degree in Governance as a Vice-Major. She holds a Ph.D in Political Science, which she defended at IRIC in June 2021 on the theme: “Collective security in Central Africa in the era of new threats”. She was a research assistant at the International Crisis Group (ICG) for 7 months and is currently an assistant lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC). She is the author of several scientific articles, including ” Justice transitionnelle et processus de paix en Afrique : réflexion sur la protection et la promotion des droits des femmes dans la crise anglophone
au Cameroun “, published in the journal Palabres Actuelles in 2022. Her research interests include new forms of conflict, regional integration in Africa, democratic processes in Africa and gender studies.




  • Pluralité des organisations d’intégration et sécurité collective en Afrique centrale : de la concurrence étatique à la coexistence pacifique », in Paul Elvic Batchom (dir), L’Etat ailleurs. Entre logiques de case et dynamiques du village global, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2018, pp. 223-242.
  • Les droits de l’homme : un axe stratégique de l’engagement sociopolitique de l’église catholique au Cameroun », in Noel Sofack et Steve Tametong (dir), Traité des relations Eglise catholique et Etat du Cameroun, Bafoussam, Les Editions de la Catho, 2020, pp. 187-202.
  • Les Relations internationales africaines face à la prolifération des organisations régionales : vers une restructuration de l’architecture communautaire en Afrique », Revue Palabres actuelles, n° 09, 2020, pp. 365-394.
  • De l’usage d’Internet comme mode d’action politique des diasporas africaines : vers une reconstruction du débat politique au Cameroun ? », in Paul Elvic Batchom & Patrice Moundounga Mouity, L’Etat africain et sa diaspora face à la mondialisation. La nation d’en l’entre-deux, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2021, pp. 103-125.
  • Women and peacebuilding in Central Africa subregion: empowerment as a process of inclusion in the resolution of conflicts», https://onpolicy.org/women-and-peacebuilding-in-central-africa-subregionempowerment-as-a-process-of-inclusion-in-the-resolution-of-conflicts/
  • Internet and Political contestation of diasporas: toward the emergence of a new democratic debate in Cameroon », https://onpolicy.org/internet-and-political-contestation-of-diasporas-toward-the-emergence-of-anew-democratic-debate-in-cameroon/
  • Russia’s Game of Influence in the Reconfiguration of Military Cooperation in the CAR”, https://nkafu.org/russias-game-of-influence-in-the-reconfiguration-of-military-cooperation-in-the-car/
  • Le multilatéralisme sécuritaire en Afrique centrale à l’épreuve de la rivalité des puissances extérieures », to be published
  • Changement constitutionnel et pérennisation au pouvoir des Chefs d’État en Afrique Centrale : Le cas de la Centrafrique », to be published
  • Social media and political contestation of African diaspora: toward a reconstruction of democratic debate in Cameroon? », to be published.


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