May 30 2024


By Lauretta Jimba Over the past few decades, Nigeria-China relations have significantly evolved, marked by economic ties, infrastructure projects, and diplomatic engagements. This evolving relationship offers considerable opportunities, while also presenting notable challenges. This blog explores the multifaceted nature of Nigeria-China relations, highlighting the potential benefits as well as the obstacles. The foundation of Nigeria-China[…]

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May 30 2024

Chad’s Bold step to Democracy

By Elizabeth Ibe Transitioning to democracy is often perceived as a monumental task, an intricate process that requires more than just holding an election. While formal transition can occur in a single day, marked by the casting of ballots, the journey towards a stable and functioning democracy is a continuous process. Chad had recently taken[…]

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May 30 2024


By David Odunisi The Israel-Palestine conflict has been one of the most protracted and complex disputes in modern history, with far-reaching consequences extending well beyond the borders of these two territories. The recent escalation, following Hamas’s surprise offensive against Israel on October 7, 2023, has not only intensified the conflict but also created significant socio-economic[…]

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May 26 2024

Niger’s Military Junta Revoked Anti-migration Policy – What are the broader Implications?

By Adam Abass Niger’s ancient city of Agadez has long been a transit route for illegal migrants and asylum seekers trying to reach Europe.  In 2015, over a million illegal migrants and asylum seekers attempted this journey, creating a political and humanitarian crisis for EU countries. To address this surge, the Nigerien government, with the[…]

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May 26 2024

Unpacking the Controversial U.K- Rwanda Asylum deal

By Oluwaseun Taiwo The U.K – Rwanda asylum deal aims to relocate asylum seekers from the U.K. to Rwanda for processing, with the goal of discouraging irregular migration. However, it has faced criticism from human rights organizations and legal experts regarding the lack of transparency and concerns about the safety and rights of asylum seekers.[…]

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May 02 2024

A Shift in Sahel’s Geopolitical Landscape: Declining Relations with France, Growing Alignment with Russia

By Elizabeth Ibe France shortcomings in its engagement with Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso have inadvertently created an opportunity for Russia to capitalize on the situation, by intensifying its efforts to bolster its presence in the Sahel region of Africa while diminishing Western influence. France historical involvement in the Sahel dates to the colonial period,[…]

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Apr 30 2024

Local Militias in the Sahel Region are Hindering Counter-Terrorism Efforts

By Adam Abass Understanding Al-Shabaab The 2012 Tuareg rebellion in Mali set the stage for jihadist presence in the Sahel and jihadist groups in the region have gained grounds and emerged as violent actors threatening the peace, and security of Sahelian states with spillover to Niger and Burkina Faso. The violent activities of JNIM and[…]

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Apr 30 2024

Setting Sail Again: Exploring the Resurgence of Somali Piracy in the Context of African Development

By Unwana Samuel Understanding Al-Shabaab Somali piracy has been a thorn in the side of international security for years. Pirates have been causing trouble and harm in the waters off the coast. Fortunately, the pirates’ influence and impact started decreasing in 2013. However, their operations resurged in recent months. On 12th March 2024, pirates hijacked[…]

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Apr 30 2024

Strengthening the Somalian State’s Capacity to Deal with Al-Shabaab

By Lauretta Jimba Understanding Al-Shabaab Al-Shabaab, an Islamist militant group, which has been linked to Al Qaeda and pledged allegiance to its leadership, emerged in Somalia in the mid-2000s, with the aim of overthrowing the Somali government, and establishing an Islamic state governed by Sharia law. Since then, Al-Shabaab has carried out numerous high-profile attacks[…]

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Apr 30 2024

Assessing the Economic and Security Prospects of Niger Republic under Military Rule

By David Odunusi Since July 2023, Niger Republic has been under military rule. The military seized power from the democratically elected government of President Bazoum, who had come into power less than two years in a relatively free and fair election. The military’s justification for seizing power in Niger Republic revolves around perceived governance failures,[…]

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